Apply for a Loan

Please email proof of income to:

At least the last two check stubs are needed. The loan application will not be complete until this is provided.

If you only have the physical copies, you will have to bring them into the credit union. For any questions, call us at 318-238-7762.

Please email proof of income to

At least the last two check stubs are needed. The loan application will not be complete until this is provided.

By Submitting This Application You Affirm The Following:

  • The information you have stated in this application is correct to the best of your knowledge;

  • You authorize the credit to obtain a copy of your credit report and verify your employment;

  • The credit union will rely on the information in this application and your credit report to make its decision;

  • It is a crime to willfully and deliberately provide incomplete or incorrect information on this application.